A new addition to the 2014 tour and what a wonderful debut
it was.
Stumped up his kitty money, took part, had a great time,
didn't win.
What an ideal tourist.
Malcolm had a great tour, which can be summarised as:
Round One: Gloria Old Course
There is a car rally going through the golf course and
animals are in danger of being run over. There are also
branches blocking the road and a car is turned upside down
leaving the driver pinned under the car on the edge of
the cliff. It's up to Skippy to deliver the message back to
headquarters that a helicopter and a grappling hook will be
needed to pull the car off the driver. However when lowering
the hook, it gets caught around a tree. Skippy is the only
one able to release the hook and save the day.
Round Two: The Sultan
A mysterious disease threatens to wipe out all wildlife in
Waratah National Park and the evidence is Skippy is to
blame. Sonny and Skippy set out to clear his name. They find
the poacher and his dogs who are the real cause of the
problem, they call the rangers and Skippy devises an
antedote that saves the day.
Round Three: The National
A diamond thief loses a valuable necklace while on the run
from the police in the park. The thief sees Skippy and
places it in her pouch, and follows her back to Ranger
Headquarters where everyone is busy constructing a float for
the financially pressured Waratah Festival. The thief then tries to stowaway on
the float and escape with the necklace but Skippy tells the
ranger all about it. The thief is arrested, the reward for
finding the necklace saves the carnival and once again,
Skippy saves the day.
Round Four: The Carya
When a storm hits the Waratah National Park, the
communication lines go down. What makes matters worse is
that Matt is bitten by a snake and with the radios out no
one can radio for help. It is up to Skippy to go for help
and the antidote to save Matt's life. Once again, Skippy
comes through by taking the antedote back. Skippy
administers the
life saving injection and saves the day.
Round Five: Lykia Links
Sonny has been placed in charge of an automatic recording
unit deep in the bush of Waratah National Park, supervised
by Matt. While servicing the box, Skippy and Sonny come
across an injured airman who has ejected from his plane,
hanging by the cord of his parachute from a tree. In trying
to rescue him, Sonny slips and becomes trapped on a cliff
face. Realising that the weight of his body is ripping the
parachute and that it is only a matter of time before he
falls to his death, Sonny sends Skippy for help.
Unfortunately the helicopter pilot is ill, so Skippy has to
fly the helicopter back to the scene and carry out highly
skilled and dangerous manoeuvres hovering over the cliff
face. Once again, Skippy saves the
Round Six: Gloria New Course
When Jerry is asked to be best man at a wedding, he finds it
hard to make it to the church on time. First he and Skippy have
to rescue two teenagers from a sinking boat on the river. Then
they have to rescue
a man caught on a ledge. There are no cars available as
everyone seems to be out so Jerry has to ride a horse to the
wedding. In his hurry, he leaves his hat and gloves and the
ring behind but, realising that there is a problem, Skippy
arrives just in time with his hat, gloves and ring and saves the
day. |